Navigation :

Home Icon

This is also the default or welcome page for the website. Clicking on the Home Icon will navigate to to Home page.

World Icon

Clicking on the World Icon will navigate to Global page. You can further drill down at the Country level data from this page.

USA Icon

Clicking on the USA Icon will navigate to USA page. You can further drill down at the State level data from this page.

India Icon

Clicking on the India Icon will navigate to India page. You can further drill down at the State level data from this page.

Visualization :

Map Visuals

The Intent of the control is show the numbers and heat maps of the When you Click it show Total Countries (or) States Affected

World Icon

The charts on the right pane shows Top 10 countries (or) States based on the grain we are seeing the data

Line Charts (Historical Data)

The Line Charts shows the daily trend of the Confirmed Cases & Deaths. By Default it shows from the beginning of the data but there is a Slicer selection available to see for a specific month.

Month Slicer

When you Click a particular Month (the line chart will change accordingly)

Controls :

Historical Data Button

This button is visible when the viewing the Live Data. Clicking on this button will take you to the historical information for the specific region.

Live Data Button

This button is visible when the viewing the Historical Data. Clicking on this button will take you to the live information for the specific region.

Confirmed Button

By Default Confirmed Cases are the default view for any page. You can alternatively click on the Confirm button to toggle between the views.

Recovered Button

Switches the view to showcase the recovered numbers. Click on the Recovered button to toggle between the views.

Death Image Button

Switches the view to showcase the number of Deaths. Click on the Deaths button to toggle between the views.

Search Bar

The controls helps you search for a particular Country or state. The Search is dependent on the view you are on. For Example in global view you can search for the different countries. In USA view you can search for different US states Respectively.

*In case any error is encountered, please Refresh the page!

Other Countries (Brazil, Spain, China, UK, Germany)

(Currently the detailed information for the above countries is not available and we are working on getting these at the earliest! )